Saturday, March 20, 2010

Running Week In Review (and look ahead) - week of March 15, 2010

This week was not quite as good as last. And, it should have been since the kids were on spring break and I had childcare that did not end when the school day ends. Anyway, I did okay until Friday.

Monday - 8 miles inclusive of 5 .5 mile intervals
Tuesday - 8 miles easy
Wednesday - SRD
Thursday - 4 miles recovery
Friday - was scheduled to run 8 easy, but had a HORRID wind from the north between 25 and 35 mph and I quit after 4 miles
Saturday - was scheduled to run 17 long, but the wind was still present, it was 26*F, and snowing. The snow was nearly horizontal and into my face. I gave it 9 miles and quit once my shoes were soaked.

Total for the week: 33.4, short by 14.

This coming week will bring:

Monday - 7 miles with 8 strides
Tuesday - 8 miles easy
Wednesday - SRD
Thursday - 4 with 6 strides
Friday - 8 miles with 4 at tempo pace
Saturday - 16 miles long

I need to suck it up and do it, but I'm telling ya: snow coming at you horizontally kinda sucks.

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