Monday, September 24, 2012

Joy Is. . . Restart

As you can tell, it has been a while since I was active here.  Frankly, I don't really need people reading it right now and it truly is more for me than for anyone else.  I'm going to unlink from my facebook.  Also, as you can tell, I've gained weight.  Almost 30 lbs in the past year to be precise.  While is a lot.  And, I need to do something about it.  I've tried off and on for a while, but nothing has stuck.  So, I'm going to try something different.

This past year was really rough on me.  So rough that I decided I needed to start taking an antidepressant.  Over the past month or so, I feel as if I've managed to get a better handle on my coping skills and my self-direction.  As such, I've decided to discontinue taking my medication.

September has actually been pretty good.  I really do best with goals.  In July, I ran a marathon and developed stress fractures in my third and fourth metatarsils of my right foot and I've not run one mile since that day (now, sure, that could account for about 10 lbs, but there are plenty of other reasons as well, not the least being that I've self-medicated with food).  But, back to September.  It's been pretty good, largely because I've set a couple of really good goals for myself.  First, I decided to take on the 10,000 kettlebell swing challenge and second, and most important, I decided to commit myself to doing 30 yoga classes over the 30 days in September.  That has been the most important change I have made.  And, I'm doing it.  And, I know I'll finish both.

I've loved the yoga so much, that I will keep that goal.  But, as each month starts, I'll have a new lifestyle change goal to add.  I'm pretty sure that October's will be to limit my non-water/green smoothie/herbal tea drinks to no more than 10 a month.  I recently kicked my long time diet pepsi addiction and feel really good about having done so.

Those 30 lbs did not come on in one month.  They aren't going to come off in one month.  And, I want them to come off because of sustainable lifestyle changes.  I'm not going to obsess with the scale.  I might not even weigh myself more than monthly.  It is the lifestyle changes that are the primary goal with weight loss being a natural consequence thereof.  I'm thinking I'd like to rid myself of those 30 extra pounds by my birthday in August with one major lifestyle change goal each month.

I'm good with goals.  I like them.  I eat them for breakfast.  Well, actually, I'm going to try to eat green smoothies for breakfast.  But, with my goals.

1 comment:

Sarah said...

Your goals and focus and inspiration are inspirational to me. Thank you for sharing.