Friday, September 28, 2012

Joy Is. . . .Spending time with your kid being a novice reptile nerd.

Our elementary school had a half-day today.  Which is really super-weird, but whatever.  It's Friday.  The girlie had a play date with her bff and the boy and I got to spend time geeking out on reptiles and insects.

After he came home and chilled watching Play House Disney for about ten minutes, we went to a new pet store, then had lunch at Applebee's (his choice), and finished up at our favorite pet store checking out the snakes, scorpions, frogs, fish, etc.

I really want a cute froggy tank, but I'm really pushing my marital luck what with our ball python, two beardies, yellow bellied slider baby, indoor fish, two cats, dog, and outdoor fish.  

But, seriously, look at this emperor scorpion:

Is he not INCREDIBLE?!?  So gorgeous.  So impressive.  And, we learned that, because of his size, his venom is not all that impressive since he can overpower his prey with his size and pincers.  By contrast, smaller scorpions have venom that is 10x in potency.  But still, FREAKING MAJESTIC!

See, Joy Is. . . . being a novice creepy animal fan.

Oh, and Joy also is coming home from said trip with little man and having three neighbor boys come over and ask if he can play outside, telling them that he can't since we are feeding our ball python a live mouse, and then having the boys come inside and geek out on our animals.  Cool mom points for a brief moment.

1 comment:

Sarah said...

Yes, when we go to the pet store (to get our live mice to feed our snake), we tend to spend more time looking at the lizards, and spiders, and scorpions. And, yes, it's fun to have feeding time be a cool neighborhood activity.