Sunday, September 30, 2012

Joy Is. . . .Becoming me.

So, I think I might have mentioned that I'm in psychotherapy right now.  Even though I'm 43, I think it is only now that I'm able to start becoming who I actually am: a not-nerdy looking nerd.  Which has posed problems for me over the years.  I've never understood why I'm not a part of the cool kid club, but evidence clearly shows that I am not.  The cool kids are nice to me, but I'm not one of them.  I'm so sad that I've wasted my entire life trying to find my tribe there rather than with the nerdy girls like me.

My husband and I generally have different approaches to just about everything, but this morning I was pleased to find him gently getting a big, huge spider out of our house without killing it.  This made more happier than just about anything else.

I geek out about sunflowers.

And, in the afternoon when I was able to ignore dishes and laundry, I was able to enjoy reading my type of nerd books outside in my favorite super-old sweats.

With my doggie who always hangs with me whenever possible.

And, I love knowing the differences between various types of sunflowers

And, I love my new hat.  

I think I'm finally getting that just because I don't necessarily look like a nerd, I am and I can enjoy it rather than fight it.

1 comment:

Sarah said...

That hat is funny. Long live nerdy girls! Though I'm not as nerd-smart as you are, I definitely feel nerdy-esque. And love it.