For the life of me, I cannot put contact lenses in my eyes. Don't get me wrong: I have tried (and tried, and tried, and tried). I even had about a six month period when I broke my glasses where I had to wear daily contacts. Anyway, I worry about running with my daily glasses out of fear that they might fall off and break. I really cannot drive without them. So, I have been running without any vision correction at all.
Let me tell you a little story: this past April, April 5, 2010 to be precise, I went out for a LOVELY evening five mile run. It was dark and I was, as previously explained, not wearing corrective lenses. I was running great and feeling awesome when I rounded a corner in the sidewalk that took me into a darker section of road. I thought that maybe that there was a person lying in the middle of the sidewalk, but it wasn't until I was right upon them that I realized it was two teens having sex. In the middle of the sidewalk. With nice grass on either side. But, I didn't really see them until the last minute and had to sort of jump over while politely saying "hi" (it is important to be friendly and all). That night I woke up with a pain that felt as if I were being stabbed in the hip by a butcher knife. And, that led to a marathon time five days later that was a full hour longer than I had hoped.
I cannot be certain the the ensuing injury was directly related to the sudden jump I had to take over the sexing teens, but maybe it would have not happened had I actually been able to see. (and thus better plan for how to negotiate the sex).
Eric's company has the best vision policy ever. Ever. I get a new pair of lenses yearly and a new pair of frames every other year. My prescription is pretty much the same, I like my glasses, and I like my sunglasses, so I figure that it is time for some running glasses.
The selection was not awesome, but this is what I got.
I was able to pick them up this morning and broke them in with an easy five. (Come to think of it, I probably should have run that same route). It was misting, so I am not sure that my complaint is totally valid, but I found that they fogged up near the end (which made it harder to see - ironic, eh?). I'll try it again without mist and I'm going to look for some anti-fog stuff, but if they keep fogging up, I might have to return them. I do, however, really like being able to see.
I had no idea that poor vision caused hip pain but it stands to reason: A funeral strained my peroneal tendon last fall. It's weird what can set us back.
My experience with running sunglasses are that they can get foggy easily but there are some tricks to keep the fog at bay (I don't remember what they are at the moment, though). I hope they work great for you.
I still love hearing that story. Wow.
I have no comment on the running aspects, because, of course, I do not run. Although, I do think that if I ever were to get into running it would be by way of tri-athalon training. I like swimming and biking already.
You will definately be able to pick up something for fogging at REI or similar. However a solution of baby shampoo and water sprayed into diving goggles and wiped (but not rinsed) off keeps fogging at bay. Maybe it will help for your glasses, too?
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