I think it is going to be one of those days. And, sometimes, when it is so clearly going to be one of those days, the only way to look at it is with humor.
Let's start with the 17 miles I ran yesterday because that really does set the stage. I often have difficulty falling asleep after running that long because my large muscle groups ache in an electric sort of way. I attribute it to carb depletion, but it could likely be something else. I'm pretty sure I was sufficiently rehydrated, but I did consume more water after it was clear I could not sleep. I also took an electrolyte tab in case that was a contributing factor, but the reality was that I did not fall asleep until after 2:30 a.m. even though I initially went to bed around 9:30 because I was so tired.
Then, let's add in the fact that I am dieting. Reasonably, for those with concerns about me and dieting. I had a net 1,000 (approximate) cals yesterday (net cals meaning that I actually consumed around 2,700, but I burned approximately 1,700 on my run). I ate the right things: simple carbs right before and during the run, nice carb:protein (with fat) ratio immediately afterwards, lots of veggies and lean meat. But, I'm still operating at a deficit. That's the point of dieting, right?
I find it hard to diet and to gear up for a marathon at the same time, and yesterday is prime example of that.
Anyway, hard time falling asleep.
Then, the baby girl (aka Sandy), got me up to go out to do her business at 3:30, 5:15, and 6:30. Normally, I'd get up at 6:30 and call it a night, but I was so tired that I went back to bed and let Eric take over all puppy and parenting duties. This is a big deal for me. I don't generally do that. Not because of him, but because of me.
And, I slept.
I slept until I heard the Bissell at 9:00 a.m.
Apparently, sometime between 6:30 and 9:00, she had pooped in two separate places on the main floor. Lauren, the big girl that she is, helped clean them up, but needed some assistance from Daddy.
While cleaning the poop with the Bissell, one of our picture frames from our recent trip to the Bahamas fell and the glass broke. I came down and immediately broke the glass on my French Press (huge tragedy as I'm sure many of you can appreciate). And, then. . . as I was typing the words, "It is going to be one of those days" into my Facebook, the above happens. It isn't even 9:30.
And, really, at those times, all you can do is given in to it and laugh.
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