We love ourselves some fried pickles in this family.
So, Eric has been in D.C. on a B-Trip doing rocket science stuff, leaving me alone with the Kiddy Kats. While we miss him when he goes, we do things a bit differently during that time. For instance, we go out to dinner.
I had a good day at work today: four-and-a-half hours of direct service (plus one hour of full rate no-show) during six-hour workday. Finished all my billing, feeling on top of all business (just one outstanding paperwork obligation). Came home, met the school bus, and then the kittens and I took Sandy-Cakes to the dog park for an hour. Afterwards, it was time to go to the Blue Moose because we wanted some fried pickles.
Do you have a go-to appetizer? You know, the one on the menu that you will always get no matter what else is offered? Fried pickles are one of ours.
So, we rate them. Lauren gives Blue Moose fried pickles a two thumbs up, thought the saltiness and crunch were "perfect," and likes the dipping sauce. Jonathan gives them one thumbs up. I give them one thumbsup, think that they are a bit too salty, but really likes the sauce. I do not think that they are the best fried pickles every, but are up there.
We are on the quest and will let you know when we find the perfect fried pickle.
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