Every year since 2003, Olathe, KS hosts The Patriots Run to commemorate the events of September 11, 2001. The race starts at noon and runs for nine hours and eleven minutes. And, it is always held on September 11. Doesn't matter if that is a Monday or a Thursday or a Sunday. You can run as much or as little as you want. There are a few different "races." There is a formal marathon that is run for time. There is also an ultra to run for distance covered in the nine hours and eleven minutes. One can start at noon or whenever one wants to come and join in.
I've long wanted to join, but have had small children not yet in school or a work day or whatever. This year, I couldn't do it because I was in school from 11 a.m. until 6 p.m. But, I wanted to participate. So, the family and I brought our camp chairs and some Pepsi and some Jelly Bellies for the runners, and went to cheer on the runners.
I've been a runner in many races and it was my turn to cheer runners on. I got so much out of cheering and supporting the runners that I would really encourage any runner to take their turn along the race route and be the encouragement for others from time to time.
And, this was a great event for that.
I suspect that I will be in class next year when the event is held, so I will again go just to cheer, but in the future, I will run part of the day and cheer the rest.
Way to go Runners.
What a great event.
I really love this.
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