Monday, September 6, 2010

Joy Is. . . Winning the Race! (okay, there are some contributing variables, so don't get excited)

About a week ago, I became aware of the above race. I hadn't really paid any attention to it as it is a bike and my bike is broken, but last week I realized that they had a 5K. Given that I'm a psychologist and given that I preach cardiovascular exercise as a component of mental health, I thought it particularly appropriate for me to participate.

What I didn't realize is that it really is a bike ride and not a run. There were a couple hundred cyclists and about 20 runners. I've never been to a bike ride. They definitely have more colorful clothing than do the runners. Also, I wondered if I was going to know anyone. I saw a woman that I recognized, but couldn't place. I thought about going up and saying "hi," until I realized she was someone on whom I had recently done a disability evaluation. Opps. Good thing I chose to keep to myself. But, right before the start, I saw a friend who used to the the director of Child and Family Services at the mental health center at which I used to work. I had a good time quickly catching up there.

This was supposed to be a 5K, but I took a wrong turn at the very start. I ended up turning with the cyclists rather than with the walkers. In my defense, I will say that I was far from the only one who did this. The race is primarily a cycling event rather than a run/walk. There were a few hundred cyclists and about 20 runners. This added about a third of a mile onto my race. I was hoping for a 5k time of 27:42 (which is a pace of 8:55), but was a) nervous I could not do it, b) concerned about not getting lost on a course with about 20 runners and literally no course support other than an aid station around the half-way mark which translated to crossing streets with cars, and c) concerned that I would have no motivation with half the people walking.

But, I decided to suck it up and run it for time. Obviously, I didn't do it in 27:42. I did, however, 3.43 miles in 29:48.97 which is a pace of 8:41 and is better than my goal pace. So, longer and a faster pace. I checked my Garmin at the 5K distance and was at 27:01 (pace of 8:42). Using the McMillan Running Calculator, that would predict a marathon finish time of 4:23:23. Whew! I think I might be able to pull out a 4:30 after all.

And, I was the first woman and the third person overall to cross the finish line. Okay, so maybe there were only a half-dozen women running it, but how many of them started by going the wrong direction?

Anyway, it was great to beat my goal, it was great to have a reminder that I am on track for my marathon goal, and even though I know that it means very little, it was fun to cross the finish line first among all the women. Now, if only I could do that in a bigger race one of these days.

Race lessons:
1) I have to stop using SlimFast as race fuel. It makes me far too mucousy. I think it works great as fuel, but not given the mucous factor. I may not have tested positive for a dairy allergy, but evidence would strongly suggest that dairy seriously increases my phlegm.

2) DON'T FORGET THE INHALER. Especially given the increased mucous, I really needed the inhaler.

3) the Nike shirt I am wearing is gone. Too short. I don't like worrying about my shirt rising while I race.

4) I am going out and getting my bike fixed today.

Next year, I think I'll do the 10 mile bike ride instead. Hopefully, Lauren will do it with me.

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