Our last full day. We are all already sad. This day was just an easy day at the resort. We had yet to play in the lagoon.

Sarah, Brooke, and I tried stand up paddle boarding. I wish I had tried it the first day because I would have made a point of doing it daily. And, Cameron joined us. At first he complained that we weren't renting a paddle BOAT, but we told him that he was always free to use his own money to do what he wanted, but with our money, we were renting a paddle BOARD. And, he tried it. And, it liked it. And, he was glad that we are smart women.
And, then the day drew to night and it was time for our luau. In Gammie made dresses and shirts.
During the show, they invited one man from every table to dance on stage. Dave went and was, by far, THE BEST of all the men on stage. He rocked.
But the evening was late and the kids were tired. Time for bed. Time to say goodbye to Hawaii.
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