Day two started for me with six hours of live lecture over the computer (with live video lecture for which participation was expected). Class started at 6:00 a.m. (9:00 a.m. PST), so I set the alarm clock for 5:50 a.m., but because the kids were still on mainland time, we were awake by 5:30 anyway.
I had a one-hour break at 9:00 a.m., but I also needed to go get Jonathan (who was hanging with his cousins) as he had a need for a clothing change. After the change, he decided that he wanted to stay with me. So, after finding some breakfast, I headed back to class.
Class from 10:00 a.m. until 1:00 p.m. Oh, it was neuroanatomy.
Neuroanatomy done, the next order of business was to meet up with the rest of the family so that we could drive into Kona to hit Costco.

Of course, Costco with Gammie and Papa often means hotdogs for lunch. I felt horrible. Here we are in Hawaii not even 24 hours and I'm taking the kids to Costco for hotdogs. They loved it.
On the drive back, I stopped at a roadside, unmarked lava tube I had spied on the drive from the airport the day before. We got out and went down to explore.
Lauren had the wrong shoes for the short hike, so Eric carried her down the steeper part.
Upon our return, we went back to our room to bring up our breakfast foods and snacks, then headed over to Gammie and Papa/Sarah and Scott's suite in King's Land. First order of business was to get to the pool.
After swimming, we returned to the suite for a quick dinner. After dinner, it was time to go to bed as we were needing to wake by 6:00 a.m. so that we could leave by 7:00 a.m. to drive to horseback riding in the valley.
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