Saturday, February 27, 2010

Running Week In Review (and look ahead)

Well, I didn't get the week in that I had hoped, but, truthfully, I did as much or more than could be expected given my lack of running in the past month.

I ran:
M - 5.25 on the treadmill
T - 3.61 outside
W - 3 on the treadmill
F - 6.02 miles outside (5 recovery and 1.02 strides)
S - 13.1 miles outside

Total = 29.98 which was short by over 15 miles

This coming week I have:
M - 8 miles with 5 half-mile intervals
T - 11 miles
Th - 4 recovery + 6 strides
F - easy 6
S - 15 long

But, what is noteworthy in the picture is that I am NOT wearing my ski gloves! I now can get away with just wearing my thin, running gloves. Woohooo!!!

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