I've set a goal for myself of running a marathon in each of the 50 states by the time I turn 50. I've not yet run one and I've already turned 40. Yikes!
Years ago I felt as I imagine some of you might have felt: running? Joy? That does not go together. But, over the years, running has brought me joy. As has goal setting.
On April 10, 2010, I will be running my first marathon.
I chose the Olathe Marathon as my first marathon for many reasons: first and foremost, it is down the street from where we live and I thought that my home state should get first dibs. Additionally, Garmin is the major sponsor. Garmin is the reason we live in Kansas, provides us a paycheck that both bought our home and keeps the heat on in the cold winter. Also, I doubt the running would have stuck without my trust Garmin Forerunner as a training coach. Finally, Eric deserves to be there when I cross the finish line following my first marathon because there is no way I could have accomplished that goal without his support. No way at all. He has been so giving and patient with my training.
I have been running for about three years, but have never been as consistent in my training as I have over the past year. This is the first winter I have ever run outside. Let me tell you: this California Girl does not take well to the cold, ice, and snow and this has been the snowiest of the eight winters we have lived in Kansas.
Though I have been consistent, I have also been severely derailed recently. I think it started in mid-December when I started getting sick. I developed the worst sinus infection I've ever had and was really sick the entire time we were in Ohio visiting my in-laws. By the time we returned to Kansas, I was sufficiently better as to be able to run again. For the next three weeks, I ran back and forth on my street in mid-teen temperatures. Then, we left for a four-day Disney Cruise during which I ran only one day. And, then it was single digits outside and I moved to the treadmill. Next, I hurt my knee and had to keep off of it. Just as I was ready to dive back into my training program unmodified, I got ANOTHER cold/sinus infection. And, that is where I stand now.
But, today. . . Today, I start back.
I will try to not dominate this blog with running as it is only one part of my life, but it is a major focus.
This week I have the following runs:
Monday - Easy 8 (for which I will rise at 5:30 a.m. to run; cannot say that it will be an outside run).
Tuesday - VO2 Max 9 miles w/5 x 1000m @ 5K race pace
Wednesday - Scheduled Rest
Thursday - Easy 11
Friday - Recovery 5 + 6 strides
Saturday - Long 17 with 14 at marathon pace
Sunday - Scheduled Rest
My goal is to rise before dawn for all of these with the exception of the Saturday run. I also reserve the right to run them shorter or slower as my knee and cold dictate, but I am hoping to get as close to this as possible.
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