Lauren has had a wiggly tooth for a long while now. We had been unaware of her wiggly tooth until she went to the dentist at the beginning of the month. At that time (January 2), we figured it would be "any day now!" but it ended up taking an additional 17 days.
Saturday was a lovely day. I took Lauren to her ballet class, then we met up with Daddy and Jonathan at Oklahoma Joe's for lunch. Yum! I had my usual Pulled Pork Sandwich, Carolina Style. Pulled pork sandwich with coleslaw, pickles, and BBQ sauce on a hamburger bun. LOVE IT!
Then, we went to the movie theater as a family to watch the new Veggie Tales Movie. As we were standing in the line for concessions, we noticed that Lauren's tooth was gone. I ran back to retrace our steps as much as possible, but did not find her tooth. So, we ended up having to write the tooth fairy a note in order to explain why her tooth was not underneath her pillow as per traditional tooth fairy requirements.
After the movie, we came home and relaxed for a while, then Lauren and I went to the gym so that she could play there and I could spend some time on the treadmill. Daddy and Jonathan joined us later and we went swimming. Finally, we had smoothies for dinner and the kiddos went to bed.
I'd actually call that a Joy-Filled day.
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