Recently, I read an
article about how certain weird foods/drinks are good for runners. I've been feeling pretty run down lately, so, for some very strange reason, I got the beet juice stuck in my head. Here's the thing: I think beets are revolting. Not just an "I don't really care for them." I think they are disgusting.
I know many people love them. I think that you either love them or you hate them. There is no "ehhh" about beets. I've tried them all different ways in response to everyone who ever said, "oh, but you HAVE to try them this way. They are delicious." Nope. Gross each and every time.
But, tell me it'll make me a faster runner and I'll be all over that. I'm already planning on drinking pickle juice (but, that's easy because I happen to crave dill pickles frequently - no, not pregnant) and I regularly drink coconut water (super-yum for me).
Anyway, Jonathan has been begging me to make juice with him, so I used this opportunity to do so. We made some carrot, apple, orange juice for the family. He had a great time wiggling his bottom and singing, "I'm a chef!" as he flung various pieces of fruit or vegetable into the juicer.
Then, when he was done, I went to work on the beet juice. Straight beet juice, but I'd had some of the other juice. No matter what you think about the taste of beets, you have to admit that they are rather pretty in their cut form.
And, then, after juicing, I drank about a cup. Honestly, while it was bad, it wasn't as bad as eating beets. Much sweeter than I can remember. I can see how they make sugar from these veggies.
Darned if I didn't perk up after drinking this. I did have more energy. And, I really don't think it was placebo as I sort of expected the benefits to be cumulative rather than immediate or short-term.
So, while it didn't taste yum, it did have a more positive immediate effect than even a Redbull.
What is good one day, must be good every day, right?
So, the next day, I did it again. Only this time, in the absence of the other juice and on an empty stomach.
I was, um, projectile vomiting within 15 minutes. And, what didn't come back up, was observed later in some, um, beeturia (sounds so much better than saying, "my pee was beet juice colored"). Turns out, both of those aren't uncommon. And, the beeturia often happens in people who are undiagnosed anemic. And, I've been super-tired and I've flirted with low iron levels in the past (whenever I donate blood, my iron levels are literally as low as they possibly for donation). Also, I read that people tend to not puke if they sip it (oh, so hard to do with a substance one does not like) and if it is mixed with other juices.
So, today, I decided to start again. Only this time, I included the carrot, apple, and orange. And, I drank it a tad slower. One cup over 15 minutes. So far, so good. And, I do feel less tired.
Rebecca's Beet Energizer:
1 beet including greens
1 apple
1 orange
3 carrots
Juice. Toss your left over fibers in the compost bin.
Should make two cups.
Drink slowly.